Student Withdrawal

International Students who wish to withdraw from Newlands College must:

  • Refer to the Refund Policy for full details.
  • Provide written approval from their parents/agent at least 21 days before the intended leaving date.
  • Complete the school's leaving requirements.
  • Give homestay parents and the school, two weeks' notice if this involves terminating their homestay arrangements.

Termination of the "International Student Contract of Enrolment"

International Students who fail to comply with the International Student Contract of Enrolment requirements, could have their contract revoked.

In the case of continuing unexplained absenteeism (refer to Attendance Requirements below), and/or issues with behaviour, the International Student Director will give the student a verbal warning followed by a written warning, to allow for improvement.

At this time, the student and parents are entitled to respond in writing to allow the Principal to consider the matter. If the problems persist the student would be asked to withdraw from the College. Immigration New Zealand would be notified and the student visa for Newlands College would then be cancelled.

All students at Newlands College including International Students are subject to exclusion or expulsion for their behaviour in school in accordance with the Education Act 1989.

Attendance Requirements

All students are expected to have an excellent attendance record. Any absences must be explained (preferably in advance) by a phone call, letter or email from the parent, homestay parent or designated caregiver.

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