Application Requirements

Enrolment Procedures

  • The applicant completes the application documents and supplies details relating to their previous school record, attendance and English language ability.
  • If the application is successful, an Offer of Place together with an invoice will be sent. Please note that at the time of application, any indication of special needs with regards to health or learning behaviours must be declared to the school as stated in the International Student Application and Contract of Enrolment.
  • Once the invoiced payment is made, a letter of welcome which contains all necessary information relating to Newlands College is issued, together with the receipt of payments.
  • The agent or the applicant lodges the student visa application with Immigration New Zealand. Once the visa is obtained, a copy together with full flight details must be emailed to Newlands College.

Entry Criteria

Students will be accepted into Newlands College when the following documentation has been provided:

  • International Student Application and Contract of Enrolment (including photo - jpg or pdf file is also acceptable), signed by both the applicant and legal parent(s).
  • Full payment of all fees for the length of tuition as stated on the Offer of Place.
  • Most recent school reports indicating a desire to learn and a good record of attendance.
  • An appropriate reference from an agent or reputable person known to the school, if available.
  • Evidence that the student is aged between 13 and 19 and wanting to study at Year 9-13 level.

Important considerations:

  • The school seeks to recruit students who have at least 3000 words of English, however intensive English language assistance is available.
  • It is important that students have a genuine desire to learn and they must have a good record of attendance at their previous school.
  • Students and parents must be willing to sign the Application and Contract of Enrolment and abide by the school's rules as they apply to International Students.
  • The school reserves the right to place the student in appropriate courses based on the student's competency in English.

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