Learning Support Centre

Learning Support Department

The Learning Support Department assists teachers to support and monitor the progress of students with particular learning differences or with special abilities. This support can happen in the regular class setting, within the Learning Hub or the Learning Support Centre.

Incoming Year 9 students who require support are initially introduced to us via a comprehensive transition programme between contributing schools, parents and other agencies.

Once attending college, parents and students can discuss concerns with Subject Teachers, Form Teachers or Year Level Deans who will then make a referral to the Learning Support Department.

We work closely with the Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour service (RTLB).  Referrals for this service must be made through the school Guidance or Learning Support teams.

Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) are trialled in Year 9 and 10 in preparation for NCEA examinations.  Supports include reader, writer, computer, extra time, and separate accommodations.

Learning Support Centre

The Learning Support Centre provides individual programmes for students who meet the criteria for the Ongoing Resourcing Schemes (ORS). Students are offered an Individual Education Plan (IEP),  supported in their learning in a variety of settings which may include the centre itself, mainstream college classes,  Learning Hub, the workforce and in the community. 

Staff work closely with caregivers and other professionals to design and implement a range of programmes to meet the specific needs of each individual student.

The Learning Hub

The  Learning Hub is a flexible, supportive environment which is available to all students at Newlands College. The overall aim of the Learning Hub is to encourage and support independent learning.  

We offer individual learning programmes such as SPEC Foundation Skills Level 1 as well as small group tuition to enable students to better access their main school subjects.  All programmes focus on students becoming more confident and continuing to thrive in the classroom.

Learning Support Staff List

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