
Students need to make informed and appropriate career decisions in a society that is facing rapid technological, economic and social change.

Our career education programmes encourage students to reflect on the demands of today's workplace and develop the skills to cope and thrive in a competitive environment.

In all our career programmes, students are encouraged to identify their special and distinctive skills and consider these in relation to a possible career or further training opportunities.

They are also encouraged to become aware of the range of opportunities that exist by accessing up-to-date information and analysing the skills needed to achieve sustainable employment in a global, technological employment market.

Students are taught how to develop a career plan and also how to be flexible, responsive to change, take risks and pursue alternatives when facing setbacks. Students need to increasingly adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities.

The sequential career programme is:

  • Year 9: Knowing yourself
  • Year 10: The world of work
  • Year 11: Finding a part-time job
  • Year 12: Post school opportunities
  • Year 13: The world beyond

Students also participate in a range of career events to be more informed about opportunities:

  • Liaison Visits
  • Open Days
  • Career days

Students and families can also access individual career guidance. They can use a variety of career computer tools to explore and clarify options as well as access a range of careers information from the Careers NZ website. All students are welcome to make an appointment with the Careers Department.

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